Score Group


Hugh Fraser was a pleased to meet up with Richard Sadler, Group Head of Procurement and Supply Chain for Score Group which has just recently celebrated its 40-year anniversary and is now part of the investment portfolio of private equity group, SCF Partners.Hugh first met Richard when he was responsible for the development of Score Group across the Middle East and he led the establishment of joint ventures in Iraq with Al Majal and in Saudi with AWJ ENERGY, no mean achievement.

Score Group is a global market leader in the provision of advanced engineering and technology solutions for flow control and gas turbine applications. The group's expertise enables customers to manage and reduce emissions from valve operations and related infrastructure.

January of this year saw the announcement of an exciting new initiative by SCF Partners which saw the clustering of five portfolio companies, including Score Group, under the new energy transition–led initiative, D2Zero: key drivers are emission reduction, clean hydrogen, power efficiency and resilience management (including microgrid solutions), and CCS.

Cluster partners in D2Zero alongside Score Group are Hydrasun, Fuel Cell Systems Ltd., Powerstar and Global E&C with a combined turnover of £500 million and 4000 employees. Hugh Fraser International is a strong advocate of the strengths of cluster ventures to maximise expansion opportunities and mitigate costs and risks in international business expansion in the Middle East region and we commend this initiative by SCF Partners.